This was the first time that Dir En Grey step on Peruvian grounds xD and many fans are so honored with this first visit but what I disliked was the fact of seeing most of the place empty. It's like: "come on man! It's Dir En Grey! one of the best Japanese bands I mean, how can this place be almost empty?" This is the fact I was afraid of months before the concert but anyway, many fans think that they were happy and I think the same too.
On November 24th, the day they arrived, was amazing, in spite of they take the car to the hotel very fast but I'm sure they enjoyed the city ^^. As (so) far as I know xD There were not
On November 25th, the Meet and Greet was... T_T OMG! It was the best experience I've ever had. Kyo and Shinya were there to greet 50 peruvian fans [as far as I know were 50 people approximately I really don't remember xD] When I get in, I saw Shinya and I... T_T OMG I was about to... I don't know, I felt so, REALLY nervous but I hold my whole desire to scream T_T ok that sound too fan girl, but I'm not ok ? ¬¬ I first greet Shinya, we looked each other *-* T_T then, still nervous, I greet Kyo... DAMN IT I'd never felt so honored before! Kyo's handshake was so strong ! and and and... [I'm like a fan girL again...OK NO!] the bowing was was sooo T_T GEEES! It was an honest and respectful bowing.
Some Street Team's members ^^
And these next ones taken by other people ^^

Everything was so amazing! the soundcheck, the Meet ang Greet, the concert of course ♥ EVEN the lining up was so amazing!
Now I invite you to watch a two-days recording video of Dir En Grey's first visit in Peru [From November 24th (arrival to Peru) to November 25th (Concert)] A collection of many recordings of the first day: Airport and hotel "happenings" xD and second day: Lining up [early in the morning xD], sound check, Meet and Greet and the concert itself.
Soon I'll be posting some pictures of the M&G some concert shots and a "suprise" for the band xDD
OK This is the "surprise" I made for the band > //////////// < !
The band as children xD I think this has an amazing constrast with that evil octopus ^^
Now if you have any questions about my "concert experience" xD come on! comment this =)
Thanks for reading this post
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